Spring ITAPA for Smart Solutions
Digitization significantly changing the world around us. It brings great opportunities, but it also presents potential threats in different areas. This was concluded on the ITAPA Spring Conference which targeted topics on digital transformation an…
Autonomous Cars for Better Safety
Car producers compete who will launch will launch autonomous car first. Society expects them to be safer and greener than today's vehicles. However, ethical questions like who will be responsible for collision or how to prevent cyber attacks are y…
At times of massive expansion of smart technology into everyday life, it is necessary to look not only at the benefits, but also at the risks that come along. Is Slovak eGoverment ready for possible hacker attacks?
"We will command the wind, the rain ..."
We consider ourselves masters of creation. We change the landscape the way we want, we change river beds, we build cities that rise to heaven. But sometimes nature let us know that she is the true ruler. Extreme weather fluctuations are increasing…
Slovakia as a Digital Tiger in 10 Years - Reality or Fiction?
Slovakia as a Top Digital Country? A country where cities will be full of smart scanners, where cars will be autonomous and where public intelligence will be operated by artificial intelligence? A country that will become the digital tiger of Euro…
Jaroslav Kmeť: Informatization is a Way, Not a Goal
We talked to the General Director of the Information Technology Section of the Public Administration, Jaroslav Kmeť. Mr. Kmeť, you will be talking about "Half-time development of Slovak informatization" at Jarna ITAPA 2019. Aren't we further from …
Say it to your town
What do you imagine when you say a city application? Will you remember something that will help you, for example, locate the nearest café or parking place? In addition to such apps, urban applications allow you to interact directly with the city y…
ITAPA celebrates its 18th birthday!
ITAPA International Congress celebrates 18 years of its existence this year. We discussed the very beginnings and development of the conference with one of the founders, Lucia Mušková – Kondáš, who will host this year's Spring ITAPA conference.
Hot trends: Quantum computing
Along with blockchain and virtual reality, Quantum computing is considered to be one of the top three technological trends of 2019. It is a futuristic technology that has the potential to solve today's problems and it could present significant shi…
Cars of the future
How will the future of the automotive industry develop? What trends can we expect in the future? Based on current trends and tests, we can expect the following five technologies in the automotive industry: