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Is Moore's law reaching a dead end? What about computers of tomorrow?

Given Moore's Law has been the engine driving the breakneck pace at which computers have advanced over the past 50 years this statement might seem worrying…

Smart Cities: Things that matter

Tomorrow’s cities are built by smart city ecosystem architects today. To be effective, these architects must expand their perspectives, assume new roles, and work strategically, to build a new sustainable smart city. Learn more about how to build …

Smart Cities: Turning opportunity into reality

The rapid development of connected technologies is allowing urban centers around the world to transform into smart cities. And, as they do so, they are changing how cities work and the way people live within them. Be part of the ITAPA 2018 Interna…

Last call registration: Join us and get 10% off

The ITAPA 2018 International Congress is approaching. Join us and get all the information you may need about the cyber security issues, artificial intelligence, Smart Cities and eGovernment. Register now and benefit from the 10% discount available…

Get the international recognition for your project with V4 ITAPA Award

In recent years, the economy has been changing rapidly – there are many new ways to do business, use technology or work. Innovative solutions can build resilience within society, address its specific needs and generate sustainable economic activity.

John DAVIS at ITAPA: World of technology and world of cyber security are heading different directions. Cyber space protection must be proactive an integrated

World of technology is heading different direction than world of cyber security that should be protecting it; this creates a potentially huge space for cybercrime: „The world of technology tends to create simple and easy to use devices. With less …

How to Build a Modern Organization with Faster Analysis and Real-time Data Application out of the European Commission?

Bratislava, November 21, 2017 – Success in the world is always given by right decisions, this ability goes hand in hand with effective and meaningful work with huge amount of data that are not always available. European Commission is aware of that…

What is Preventing V4 to Become European Leaders in Smart Technology?

The most innovative countries in the world are led by Switzerland, Sweden and the Netherlands. V4 countries are not among the leaders yet. - Trust of citizens towards smart solutions can significantly increase when they participate in the design …

Case Luxembourg: From Scattered Public Administration to Data Embassies in Two Years

Bratislava, November 16 – In 2015 Luxembourg underwent a digital revolution. This small country was inspired by Estonian eGovernment and introduced Estonian model into its operations. Pivotal to this change was governmental resolution of three bas…

Computers will Advise and Dictate Our Every Step, said Gerd Leonhard, World-class Futurologist at ITAPA

Autumn congress ITAPA presented world-class celebrities and discussed interesting and burning topics of today. Progress in technologies brings many benefits that ease our life. Whole industries are changing. In music industry, nowadays it is no lo…

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