Spring ITAPA for Smart Solutions

Digitization significantly changing the world around us. It brings great opportunities, but it also presents potential threats in different areas. This was concluded on the ITAPA Spring Conference which targeted topics on digital transformation and smart technologies in particular, as they are influencing the nature of cities, municipalities and citizens in considerable way.
Reduction of emissions, transport and parking regulation, replacement of old combustion plants with low-emission or water retention measures were the examples of smart solutions discussed at the event. As these areas will need as much financial funding as possible, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization Richard Raši signed a cooperation agreement with the European Investment Bank at ITAPA, that aims to foster project submission and sourcing from the EIB. “It is more than clear that the local authorities perceive the lack of financial resources as a key obstacle in introducing innovation. I am glad that we are working with the EIB to introduce new opportunity for them, "said Raši. The EIB was represented by its Vice-President Vazil Hudák, who also attended the conference as a speaker. “It is necessary to have access to venture capital when building an innovative environment. Not only the typical subsidies for startups that provide various venture funds, but also the so-called "Scale money", which is the money used by companies that have been successfully launched to capture other markets and expand their reach in the global economy. "I look forward to working with Slovakia because supporting Smart Solutions can really improve people’s lives in their immediate vicinity,” said the Vice-President Hudák and added, that they are preparing “smart regions development national strategy as a benchmark for smart cities, which will approximate Slovak cities to other EU cities."