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Richard Raši to attend ITAPA for the third time

Last year, Richard Raši, Deputy Prime Minister for Information Technology and Investment, attended ITAPA for the first time, where he addressed topics on new strategy and priorities in the field of IT and investment sector. Realization of the “One…

We will finally say goodbye to bureaucracy. Thanks to the Over.Si, the top digital project of the year.

For many years, this has been one of the major operational problems of Slovak state institutions. Even in the 21st century we have to constantly provide authorities with the information that the public administration already has. Even though other…

Become a part of the ITAPA 2019 and be our partner

Once again will ITAPA bring you traditional Spring Conference and the autumn International Congress. Do not miss the chance to become our partner. Promote your company and be a partner of the 18th largest strategic event that guides digitization i…

Smart Slovakia as part of Smart Visegrad

Bratislava, November 9, 2018: Top event of digitization and public administration in Slovakia, ITAPA 2018 International Congress has also become an official event of the Slovak Presidency 2018/2019 in the Visegrad Group. This unique event, taking…

SMART projects that change life of people in V4 countries

You might not have heard about these projects, yet they have already changed Visegrad countries for better. Polish city of Poznan has enabled 3D map of the city, where you can find not only cadaster information but also information about city infr…

Every great idea starts somewhere...

Get inspired and see how others solve everyday problems in creative ways. Do you know what is the future of technology in...

Cybersecurity is not something, it’s everything

Cybersecurity touches virtually every aspect of our network-based activity, because in the digital economy, everything is connected...

Smart city technology for a more comfortable future

The smart city has been a hot topic for years, but too often tech companies, developers and city planners are all talk and no action. When we're thinking about how technology will become more...

AI takeover. Will it save or destroy humanity?

If tech experts are to be believed, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the world. But those same experts don’t agree on what kind of effect that transformation will have...

Is Moore's law reaching a dead end? What about computers of tomorrow?

Given Moore's Law has been the engine driving the breakneck pace at which computers have advanced over the past 50 years this statement might seem worrying…

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