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V4 Digitization Leaders at ITAPA: Change comes fast. We must collaborate and react

Bratislava, November 14– „Digital world is changing faster than we can react. It is therefore crucial to quickly and flexibly regulate it on Europe-wide level.“ with these words Peter Pellegrini, Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Informati…

Online Webstream: Congress ITAPA 2017

Don´t you have a time to come to ITAPA? Do not despair! We bring you an online stream directly from Congress ITAPA 2017. You can even ask actively and engage in discussions.

Workshop: Digital Single Market in V4

We invite you to attend Workshop DSM in V4 that will focus on development of a networking platform in the field of strengthening public procurement data dissemination among SMEs.

All Top Representatives of Digital Government from V4 Will Meet at ITAPA Congress. It will be a Historical Precedent

• All main representatives of information society, digitization and eGovernment from V4 countries at one place • ITAPA 2017 Congress will be open by Peter Pellegrini, Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatization • Together with him t…

Network: the place where you can fight hackers most effectively

Number of cyber attacks continuously increases, hackers use more sophisticated methods to extend malware and source program that will attack the network can be hidden e.g in connected printer. According to FBI last year cyber criminals earned appr…

A Minute with...

... Peter Handzuš, Solution Architect, DXC Technology

(Un)effective Public Administration?

In 2014 government prepared operation program Effective Public Administration. For the period 2014-2020 there are 335 million EUR allocated for the program. Are these funds that include citizen taxes invested effectively?

The End of Humankind in 20 Years?

Human civilization as we know it will perish in the years to come. The end will not be caused by a nuclear catastrophe or pandemics of deadly disease. Our end will be caused by our own technologies we are so proud of today.

What Can Artificial Intelligence Do?

Quicker than we thought, more groundbreaking than we imagined. That is the rise of artificial intelligence and not somewhere far away, at the far side of the world. Artificial intelligence is vehemently approaching also everyday reality of Slovakia.

Does Slovak eGovernment have a Vision? When will first projects of new period be launched?

Will opening speech of Peter Pellegrini answer these questions? Do we even know where we want Slovak Public Administration to be? Do responsible institutions have a plan? What are the thoughts of main representatives of Slovak eGovernment?

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