Thomas Berndorfer
Thomas Berndorfer, MSc, CEO and founder, responsible for sales and marketing as well as for HR and organization. Thomas has a degree in business administration from Vienna Business School of Economics and has been working in IT and the consulting business for more than 20 years. Over the course of the years as a manager and a member of the board of directors - both as an employee or entrepreneur - he has constantly created successful and sustainable development.
Next to Connecting Software he is CEO and founder for CNS Eurogrants sro, CNS Austria sro and CNS soft sro. More Information: at.linkedin.com/pub/thomas-berndorfer/8/a69/5a7/
Next to Connecting Software he is CEO and founder for CNS Eurogrants sro, CNS Austria sro and CNS soft sro. More Information: at.linkedin.com/pub/thomas-berndorfer/8/a69/5a7/
Prihláste sa na ITAPA Health&Care 2025
Nové služby - existujúca IT infraštruktúra – ako hospodárne zvládnuť technologické zaostávanie?
Ako implementovať nové e-government aplikácie do existujúceho IT? Výzvou dneška nie je len ponúknuť a implementovať nové služby, ale aby sa tieto nové služby dopĺňali s už existujúcimi aplikáciami, ako napr. ERP, DMS, CMS a CRM. My to umožňujeme a dosahujeme pritom úsporu časa a viac ako 50% financií. Predstavíme e-health case study spoločnosti ATOS „Manažment epidémii v mestách“ .