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602XML - moderné riešenie pre získavanie informácií

/ Prednáška

Electronic circular flow of documents or electronic data collection including electronic signature develop extremely fast. Within international community the pressures on normalization and standardization of information technologies and procedures shall be increasingly emphasized in order to secure the compatibility of use of electronic signature in as large extent as possible. Capture of changes already in the phase of their preparation on behalf of timely legislative and technological implementation shall be important as well. Software602 brings up-to-date solution for electronic acquisition of information. Get familiarized with the product line 602XML and use the advantages and savings it brings. 602XML speaks XML language thus providing extraordinarily easy access to any information systems in the organization directly from the user computer

Mária Voznická

Mária Voznická, pôsobí v súčasnosti na pozícii  product manager v spoločnosti  Software602 Slovensko s.r.o. Je absolventkou Materiálovotechonologickej fakulty STU, v odbore aplikovaná informatika a automatizácia v priemysle. Od  roku 2003 sa venuje technológií XML, pričom  sa  špecializuje na projekty technológie XML a je autorkou projektu: „Inteligentné elektronické formuláre pre ročné zúčtovanie zdravotného poistenia“. Tento projekt v roku 2006 získal bronzovú cenu ITAPA 2006.
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