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Anna Čulíková

Head of Continual Education Department
Date of birth: 1966

Education: Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava

Work Experiences:
1992 - 1997: OÚ OŠaK Bratislava II, pedagogue
1997 - 1998: IUVENTA Bratislava - Training Agency, Manager of training projects
1999 - 2002: Okresný úrad Bratislava II - OŠMaTK, Inspector and methodist
2002: The Centre for Methodology and Pedagogy, Tomášikova, Bratislava, Methodist
2003 - 2006 position: Head of Human Education Department MPC
2005 - 2007 position: Manager of ESF a IS EQUAL projects realised in MPC
2006 Manager of Fórum pedagogiky - International pedagogical congress in SR
2006 - 2008 position: Head of Informatics and MArketing Department MPC
2008: Head of Continual Education Department MPC

Area of Specialisation:
Managment of education
Informatisation of education
Projecting and management of ESF projects, national, demand oriented and grant projects
Publication activities: problems of pedagogical - psychological aspects of education, multimedial education

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