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Ján Hochmann

Ministry of Finance SR, Director of Department of Legislation, standards and information systems security
He is an author/co-author of several e-Government projects such as Slovak Legal Information System – JASPI, Business Register of Slovak Republic, Free On-line Land Registry, Development of special unit for solving computer incidents in Slovakia (CSIRT.SK) and others. In 2009/2010 he coordinated planning of “Central Electronic Case for International Business (CEP)”and currently he coordinates Pilot project of education of information security in Slovak Republic. 
  • Opening speech
  • Law on eGoverment – what has been successful and what has not been so successful
    The presentation is dedicated to newly approved legislation on e-Government, especially its practical use in electronic processes and public administration services in the Slovak Republic. 
  • The draft law on information security
    CSIRT – Special Unit in digital world

    Why not to miss the presentation?
    Did you know that in Slovakia there is a special unit for elimination of cyber attacks? Its name is CSIRT. Come to take a look at her!

    Executive summary:
    The presentation will briefly inform about draft law on information security and its necessity for working of Special unit for solving of computer security incidents – CSIRT.SK. It will deliver a short view on types of solved computer incidents and state their numbers, actual trends in attacks on public administration institutions and finally indicate challenges the unit is facing today and which impede effective reaction in elimination of these attacks. 
  • E-government bill
    At present, a broad discussion of the e-government bill, drafted  and submitted by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, is ongoing. Many individuals and professional organizations are commenting on the bill. The aim of the presentation is to shed a different light on the drafted bill – clarify the purposes intended by the bill and explain why the bill is compiled in individual parts publicly.  
    The lecturers were members of the work group of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, which has drafted the bill, therefore they will present not only the basic parts of the bill but also a broader context and reasons of submitted motions and explain the impact on the existing situation and consequences of passing the bill.
  • Strategy for data protection in the Slovak Republic
  • Development of legislation for ISVS Security
    The aim of this presentation is to familiarize the broader public with the main concept of legislative environment creation for information security in the SR. Contribution is linked to main aims and priorities stated by National strategy for information security in the SR from the 2008 and Action plan for information security in the SR adopted by the government in the 2010 as well as other important strategic documents. Taking into consideration progressivity of this field and significant time shift from the formulation of aforementioned materials, this presentation will broaden or amend their scope taking into consideration new requirements transposed from EU environment. It has to do mainly with the development of essential conditions for securing public administration information systems, determination of obligatory security requirements pertaining to other information and communication technologies of digital space in the SR that communicate with public administration information systems in the extend needed for its secure functioning.
  • National Strategy for Information Security in Slovakia

    The aim of information security is to ensure that electronic services provided by public administration as well as businesses are safe and credible for all citizens. Today, the main threat is organised crime related to illegal obtaining of information. This category includes also the threat of cyber terrorism. The priority as well as the obligation of every state is to protect information against its misuse and to eliminate consequences in the most possible scope. This assignment contains management and supervision of public administration as well as municipalities and business sector related to other state systems.
  • Interoperability in Slovakia

    One of the key priorities of every state is to achieve the interoperability of all key state's information systems. In the first line, this ambitious process requires establishing of new legislative measures and the follow-up adjustment of existing but not fully sound law, ensuring the technical character and harmonising the semantic side of document structures. In the first phase of this complicated process the priority is to harmonise key information systems - registers, which are inevitable for implementing electronic public administration. Subsequently, smaller units and databases will be design to achieve the full interoperability, when all these systems will be mutual connected to exchange data without any other complicated procedures. The result of this process will be accessibility and sharing of data of all linked systems in accordance with needs of their users either of public administration or business sector.
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