Registrácia Staňte sa partnerom

Jozef Kaffka

Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR

Jozef Kaffka vyštudoval Chemicko - technologickú fakultu Slovenskej technologickej univerzity v Bratislave.

V rokoch 1995 - 1998 pôsobil okrem iných na Úrade vlády SR ako riaditeľ odboru informatiky a racionalizácie štátnej správy, bol predsedom Komisie vlády SR pre integráciu a realizáciu informačných systémov a poradcom ministra vnútra SR pre informačné systémy.

V rokoch 1999 až 2000 pôsobil ako vedúci oddelenia informatiky PNS, a.s. a v rokoch 2000 - 2002 ako projektový manažér informačných systémov v ANDEX, a.s.

Od roku 2006 pôsobí na Ministerstve spravodlivosti SR ako generálny riaditeľ sekcie justičnej informatiky a štatistiky.

  • Elektronické služby Obchodného registra SR
    From 1st August, 2007 upon the Government Resolution “Proposal of Measures to Enhance Effectiveness of the electronic communication, electronic services of the Commercial Register were launched. The project is aimed at electronic services of the Commercial Register for business entities as well as for the general public via the Central Portal of the Public Administration. It was divided into two parts:
    - provision of data from the Commercial Register for unregistered users
    - electronic outputs and services for registered users

    Within the firs part the following services have been launched:
    - provision of an extract from the Commercial Register in paper form upon electronic application
    - provision of a deed kept in the Collection of Deeds in paper form upon electronic application
    - provision of a confirmation in paper form on non-existence of the deed kept in the Collection of Deeds upon electronic application

    Within the second part the following services have been launched:
    - provision of an extract from the Commercial Register in electronic form upon electronic application
    - provision of a deed kept in the Collection of Deeds in electronic form upon electronic application
    - provision of a confirmation in electronic form on non-existence of the deed kept in the Collection of Deeds upon electronic application 
    - submission of an electronic proposal with secured electronic signature for entry, change or deletion in the Commercial Register
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