Ľubica Hlinková
PhDr. Ľubica Hlinková, MPH, was born on 19.11.1971 in Bojnice. In 2007 she graduated from Konstantin Filozof University in Nitra. The degree "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhDr) was acquired in 2008 at the St Elizabeth’s University of Health and Social Work, in Bratislava. From 2009 to 2012, she expanded her education at the Slovak University of Health in Bratislava, where she received her Master of Public Health degree.
In healthcare, she began working as a nurse since 1989. She joined the General Health Insurance Company in 2007, where she began to work as a health care assistant, and continued to serve as a chief healthcare purchaser, Head of Central Purchasing, and from 2012 as Director of the Drug Policy and Central Purchasing Division. During 12 years in General Health Insurace Company has been closely associated with drug policy management, participation in legislative processes in the health sector, preparation and evaluation of public procurement, pharmaco-economic processes as well as control and approval work in the field of health care provision and evaluation of its effectiveness. Since 2020, she has been engaged in teaching activities and is a manager of HCC Company s.r.o.