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Jan Váša

ATOS IT Solutions and Services, Specialist in cyber security solutions
Jan Váša has been working in informatics since the beginning of the nineties. During his professional career, he went through a series of IT roles from the development of SW applications and information systems to the construction and management of networks for cyber security. He put his knowledge, interest and enthusiasm for this area to good use at Atos IT Solutions and Services s.r.o., where he has been working in the BDS team since 2019. Its scope covers the markets in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. He works with leading manufacturers of cyber security products. When fulfilling the needs and requirements of customers in the field of healthcare, he likes to be inspired by other industries and thus brings innovative solutions to his clients. His personal goal is to help clinics and hospitals effectively fulfill their mission - to treat and save lives - without downtime and losses caused by cyber incidents.
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