Mariana Hurná
Mariana Hurná graduated with highest honours in Economy and Industry Management at Technical University in Košice.
She worked as an independent senior IT programmer (analyst) in the Enterprise of Management Rationalization in Agriculture and Nutrition. After she hold the same position in the Regional Institute of Monuments and also in the J. A. Reiman Polyclinic Hospital in Prešov.
Since 1996 she has been working in the IT Department of Prešov City Hall as IT system administrator, expecially Oracle technology and Applications platform.
During 19 years work for the City Hall Mariana had higher and strategic responsibility as IT manager and Project manager for ICT.
In 2008, 2009 and 2012 she was awarded as the best IT person within self-government sector in all Slovakia. Since then she was ranked in the top 5 places in this competition.
In present days she collaborates with the Slovak Republic Union of Towns as IT Consultant expert, mainly dealing with all issues of municipality IT systems. Mariana is bringing all her experience and leadership skills gained on the field to implement critical ICT projects. She also works on the different projects to present City Hall information in open and clear manners to the public.
Mariana Hurná has been improving, expanding and maintaining the Integrated IT platform of the city of Prešov self-government since 2000. This currently includes 56 modules in the documentation, administrative, evidential, economical, geographical, and in eGovernment subsystem for more than 400 clients and 32 organisations.
She worked as an independent senior IT programmer (analyst) in the Enterprise of Management Rationalization in Agriculture and Nutrition. After she hold the same position in the Regional Institute of Monuments and also in the J. A. Reiman Polyclinic Hospital in Prešov.
Since 1996 she has been working in the IT Department of Prešov City Hall as IT system administrator, expecially Oracle technology and Applications platform.
During 19 years work for the City Hall Mariana had higher and strategic responsibility as IT manager and Project manager for ICT.
In 2008, 2009 and 2012 she was awarded as the best IT person within self-government sector in all Slovakia. Since then she was ranked in the top 5 places in this competition.
In present days she collaborates with the Slovak Republic Union of Towns as IT Consultant expert, mainly dealing with all issues of municipality IT systems. Mariana is bringing all her experience and leadership skills gained on the field to implement critical ICT projects. She also works on the different projects to present City Hall information in open and clear manners to the public.
Mariana Hurná has been improving, expanding and maintaining the Integrated IT platform of the city of Prešov self-government since 2000. This currently includes 56 modules in the documentation, administrative, evidential, economical, geographical, and in eGovernment subsystem for more than 400 clients and 32 organisations.
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Could information enhance security and cleanliness in the city?
Why should you attend the lecture?
"Classified" information held by police which were previously not available to public are now visible on web. They are completely free and everybody can access them.
What is the crime rate in your city?
Which are the districts in your town where robbery happen the most?
Which is the area where is more difficult to find a parking?
How many policemen are assigned to any specific districts in the city?
You can learn more about the topic "Could information enhance security and cleanliness in the city?" at the international congress ITAPA 2015.
The main goal of this presentation is to demonstrate to general public how they can use information simply and in a meaningful way. For example to allow citizens to know more about the work of local police department. Prešov city hall IT department owns a lot of useful and valuable information in their own IT system and has competencies to use them at best. The aim is to organize all these information logically and present them clearly to the general audience through the web in order to increase the level of security and cleanliness in the city. We are talking about inter connection of the city police department data and city hall data related to territory and land (addresses, streets). For example: Making available list of policemen assigned to specific area of the city, will address security concern. Similarly the clear communication about location of city security cameras or other sensible information on offenses in different categories will do the same. Offenses are clearly displayed on the city map in 5 different categories (traffic offenses, against cleanliness and environmental protection, dog breeding, public code and against property ownership). They are marked with different colors depending on the quantity of offenses in specific area. All these information are real and live. Automatically updated daily and displayed. Published data are in format that can be further processed. -
Open city - easily and effectively
The ambition is to make the information the Office has available without the need of requesting it – simply, effectively, for everyone.
The City of Prešov provides complex information about demographic composition, number and kinds of statistics related to residents of the city, names and localization of all the streets in the city, information about businesses and their opening hours, bodies handling claims related to closed businesses, lists of dogs, budget and others, using a web application. These are various information from the existing registers, compiled at the Office when the original and delegated competencies are carried out. All the information are interconnected with the internal information system of the city, therefore they are updated on a daily basis and are always up-to-date.
The data maintained in registers are interconnected also with the geographical information system and subsequently visualized in maps.
The City of Prešov has published, as the first local government, the lists of tax debtors with the aim to positively motivate the tax payers to fulfill their tax liabilities vis-à-vis the City of Prešov, which is the administrator of local taxes and fees, and to improve their payment discipline. As a result, the outstanding debt decreased by more than 85 thousand euro.
Lecture topics:
• eGovernment projects – information systems, applications and online services
• use of geographical information systems, their practical use, application of interconnection of descriptive and spatial data -
When we all want informatization of society, but each "after our own"