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Roman Jedinák

DATALAN, Director for the Self-Government Segment
Roman Jedinák graduated from FEI STU in Bratislava and has been working in the field of informatization and electronics for more than 13 years. He also has the design and implementation of several successful projects, the most important of which is DCOM, which is used by two thousand cities and municipalities in Slovakia, and thanks to its uniqueness, it was also awarded on a global scale. Roman Jedinák currently covers the business division of DATALAN, which is one of the leaders in the field of IT in Slovakia, both in terms of scope and project innovation. His professional but also personal ambition is to raise the level of digitization of the Slovak public administration and make modern services available throughout the country.
  • We are opening a modern office for you   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2021: Ako sa stať najlepším?
  • We are opening a modern office for you   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2021: Ako sa stať najlepším?
    The authorities in Slovakia can soon use a modern solution that brings the vision of modernization into real practice. It is a comprehensive and at the same time scalable solution based on technological tools that will ensure the electronicization of any agenda and the modernization of the processes of each office. With the gradual introduction of modern electronic services, the Office is able to streamline internal processes as well as electronicize the agenda and thus offer clients - citizens a higher level of services. The absolute result is the introduction of proactive services by the Office, which will significantly simplify the handling of various life situations of citizens.

    The solution consists of several functional and proven modules - creation and management of electronic forms, their publication on the portal of life situations, connection with CSRÚ integrations, including internal integrations to the registry and agenda systems of the Office. The modern component of the mobile application can bring the office closer to the citizens, who can be continuously informed about the status of processing individual applications. The use of a mobile application to convey information from the office's agenda systems directly to a citizen's smartphone is one of the biggest requirements of the modern digital age.

  • Ignite session: Slovak self-governments also operate digitally and securely   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2020
    The 21st century and the current digital age place high demands on the city and the municipality, on the communication of munnicipality clerks with citizens but also with each other. Among the technological tools that they can prepare today and enable them to work online - to meet, negotiate and influence communication, is the application Digital Representation of DATALAN.
  • A new form of HCSA communication   |   Kongres ITAPA 2010: Tam, kde sa svety stretávajú
    Central registry of insured persons (CRIP) is now provided with data from Health insurance companies (HIC) consigned to the guidance notes in batch files and time intervals. However, some incorrectness in data and their processing is caused by relevant legislation which is passed to the methodology of register data exchange and processing,based on current technical and technological means. To remove the incorrectness solution called on-line CRIP was prepared. It is based on communication through web servicesand it brings additional benefits like: simplifying the process on site of health insurance companies; removing multiple batch transmissions; providing immediate confirmation of activities carried out over the trunk of insured persons; having opportunity to address the situation directly with insured person from the branch office; elimination of additional written requests for information given by insured person;etc.
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