Peter Pallo
Mgr. Peter Pallo is a primary education teacher at Rudolf Dilong Elementary School in Trstená. It has long been introducing innovative elements into education in the field of digitization. In 2006, he managed to implement the "Notebook for Every Pupil" project, which diversified and streamlined teaching at the school. He also uses information and communication technologies in many methods such as brainstorming, project teaching, dramatization, cinematography, intellectual games, or experiential learning. He is involved in the modernization of the educational process and also works closely with the Ministry of Education in the information technology section. In extracurricular activities, he focuses on students in the film, programming, dance and singing areas. As part of the programming, he also created the nationwide programming competition Kodu CUP, for singing talents the international competition DilongStar, both of which are the main coordinator. He shares several blogs for the community of teachers, is one of the reviewers of primary education textbooks, participates in their proofreading and is a co-author of a didactic multimedia syllabary. He is aware of the individuality and vulnerability of each student, he wants to discover in him an area in which he has the potential to excel. He connects the school environment with real life outside the school. All with the aim of children accepting and discovering knowledge in a fun, non-violent way.