Pavel Nácovský
Ing. Pavel Nácovský: focus on innovation management and its economy
I support innovative processes and public administration projects in the Digital Transformation verticals (including eGovernment and Smart City) - from support of overcoming mental block, through the proper definition of public services to support for project implementation and subsequent operations. I define expectations of change, their economic and kpi / cpi expressions. Efficient creation of operation documentation. Legislative accuracy of projects. Projects of cooperation and work with communities.
Founder of the RASC Expert Platform - Council and Academy for Smart City and consulting firm Panatec s.r.o. RASC is a professional platform to support the correct application of Digital Transformation. It focuses the most prominent experts from all the fields concerned.
More than 20 years of experience in public administration and in the commercial sector, the author of the Corporate Governance (Management of funded organization) project, the developer of pilot ICT Technological Center and several dozen other projects.
I support innovative processes and public administration projects in the Digital Transformation verticals (including eGovernment and Smart City) - from support of overcoming mental block, through the proper definition of public services to support for project implementation and subsequent operations. I define expectations of change, their economic and kpi / cpi expressions. Efficient creation of operation documentation. Legislative accuracy of projects. Projects of cooperation and work with communities.
Founder of the RASC Expert Platform - Council and Academy for Smart City and consulting firm Panatec s.r.o. RASC is a professional platform to support the correct application of Digital Transformation. It focuses the most prominent experts from all the fields concerned.
More than 20 years of experience in public administration and in the commercial sector, the author of the Corporate Governance (Management of funded organization) project, the developer of pilot ICT Technological Center and several dozen other projects.
Sign in to ITAPA Health&Care 2025
RASC Methodological framework for Smart City – introduction, use of public services standards in Smart City
Pavel is the methodology specialist in the Czech national project Strategic Framework for Smart City. He is to explain the key elements of the national strategy for definition of smart public services. -
Smart City in the Czech Republic
The presentation will present the context of Digital transformation and Smart City and the system of their establishment in the Czech environment. Following is the identification of the problematic parts of the current stage in the Council's understanding and the Intelligent City Academy (RASC). Finishing with offer of information on the role of the RASC platform, the reasons for our interest in working with ITAPA, and the invitation of experts to collaborate in the Smart City / Digital transformation multidisciplinary activity. -