Natália Barinková
She has been working in the foreign trade department at SARIO as deputy director since 2018. She leads a team in charge of developing analyzes of export opportunities and organizing business missions, fairs, seminars and other events. At the same time, she also prepares documents and speeches of ministers and state secretaries, interprets and moderates events.
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How can SARIO support slovak innovative solutions (even in healthcare) | ITAPA HEALTH & CARE 2023
Natália Barinková will present support options for innovative companies and solutions that SARIO also offers for the healthcare sector. She will present the possibilities of supporting the export of Slovak companies and their innovative solutions to foreign markets through business missions, fairs and exhibitions or other cooperation activities of the SARIO agency. She will mention examples from the past as well as upcoming planned events and at the same time present the so-called the "SARIO innovative agenda" together with the possibility of applying the super deduction for research and development as a tool to support innovation in companies.