Martina Slabejová
Martina Slabejová worked from 1999 till 2016 for Microsoft Ltd. in different positions. From 2006 she was director for Public Sector in Slovakia, from 2012 GOV Industry Director for Central and Eastern Europe, covering 33 countries in region and in October 2016 she end at the position of Public Sector lead for CEE region covering GOV Industry, Healthcare Industry, Cyber Security Industry and Education Industry. Working in such a divers environment covering GOV businesses in countries of Central Europe such as Poland, Czech, Hungary or Slovakia, ending with region of Central Asia with countries like Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan or Mongolia gave her opportunity to focus on different maturity levels within GOV and utilize examples form more mature countries in those where digitalization and informatization of GOV services was on different level. Envisioning and Industry workshops for GOV customers and Industry GOV workshop related to Cloud, Security, and Mobility were also part of the daily for work with countries in region. In between 2012 and 2016 Martina was leading also City Next initiative in Microsoft CEE, focusing on Smart City solutions related to Local GOV entities.
From 1th October she moved to the position of Director General, Department of Information Society Management, in the Office of Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and Informatics, agency situated at the centre of government covering the whole digital agenda. She is leading department responsible for implementing Strategy of information society approved by GOV of Slovakia in October 2016 as well as managing all phases of a reform cycle of eGovernment: from policy-making, through planning and delivery to operations. Key integration instrument in the public electronic services is implemented by intervention of European Union’s structural funds and the state budget. She is also covering the activities related to the digital single market as the Office is coordinating the implementation of the European DSM initiatives on national level.
She studied and University of Constantin Philosopher in Nitra and PhD in Economy finished at Comenius University, Bratislava.
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“One and enough” principle in the public sector
During 2018-2021 period, we are focusing on visible improvements of eGov services for citizens and entrepreneurs, we have prioritized services, which burden citizens as well as entrepreneurs the most. We concentrate on removal of barriers of wider using of electronical services, establishing of more user-friendly interface, maintenance of reference data and on quality of data. Electronical services such as payments via internet, listings from register, access via mobile, more transparent search, simple service navigation, manuals, guidebooks, on-line services guideline as well as option to complain and provide feedback are all new tools, which citizens and entrepreneurs can expect in short-term period. slovensko.sk will remain a gateway, where citizens can easily get to services, which they need in a life event. On the side of state, orchestration and integration of processes will bring automatization and acceleration. Also, our intention is to introduce active use of AI solutions in a field of business analyses as well as blockchain. Presentation will show in which phase of this process we are as of now, which projects have been approved, which are in a pipeline, how we’ve approached security concerns and protection of personal data and what kind of legislative we need to adopt to fulfil our goals. We will also introduce certain timeline of activates as well as risks related to this process and how we intend to mitigate them. -
DISCUSSION: Round table
Let’s move to the 2020. How will Slovak eGovernment look like? Will the public administration be re -reformed? Will we achieve the set priorities? Will the Slovak regions and cities already implement smart solutions? And will the solutions be safe? -
Keynote: Digitalization of Public Administration. How to continue?
IT and digitalization management is not just about eGOV projects funded from the European funds. It is about systematic changes and the transformation of society into the 21st century. The work of our department is about creating a vision of the modern country and conditions for the development of the digital economy. I'll introduce you few key activities, solutions, and decisions that we are preparing to improve your interaction with public sector and with GOV. -
Keynote: Digitalization of Public Administration. How to continue?
IT and digitalization management is not just about eGOV projects funded from the European funds. It is about systematic changes and the transformation of society into the 21st century. The work of our department is about creating a vision of the modern country and conditions for the development of the digital economy. I'll introduce you few key activities, solutions, and decisions that we are preparing to improve your interaction with public sector and with GOV.