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Juraj Bárdy

Futuristiq, Public Administration Digital Innovations Expert
Juraj Bárdy
Public Administration Digital Innovations Expert

  • Development of data management and Big Data section for the new National Concept of Public Administration Information Society (2015 – 2016)
  • Development of strategic document for digital service development and new generation access net infrastructure 2014 – 2020 that set actions of Slovakia for eGovernment development and served as a basis for Operation Program Integrated Infrastructure (2013 – 2014)
  • Proposal of solution and audit of national eHealth solution implementation in Kosova (2011 – 2015)
Master of Science, University of Žilina, Information and management systems, Applied informatics (2006)

  • Guests of the ITAPA OPEN TALK
  • Entry on the topic of system, functioning and vision of digital economy in Slovakia
    The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally accelerated many trends in the digitalisation of the economy and society in a few years. In order for a country to prosper in this new age, it must adapt its institutions and regulations to these changes and thus create the conditions for the best possible value creation. What changes and reforms should Slovakia make?
  • Discussion
    Discussion of invited guests:
    Peter Balík, MIRRI
    Juraj Bárdy, Alistiq
    Martin Fojtík, Dôvera zdravotná poisťovňa
    Martin Smatana, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic
  • Analytical use of data

    In his presentation, Juraj Bárdy (Alistiq) will deal with better use of data on the example of the most powerful companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, Amazon and Google, which have their business models built on thorough data usage. Can the state use the data better? Following the opening presentation, Bárdy will focus on the vision of data transformation of public administration and how it can be supported. Peter Fusek (Instarea) looks at the potential for innovative use of data and Marcela Veselková (Institute for Strategies and Analyzes) will clarify what a state analytic unit can do to get the right data and what are the key barriers.

  • Discussion
  • Key innovations, that will change a state and shape our future
    States are currently lagging behind with the best companies in their ability to use the latest technologies. It's time to change it. Let's look at how the state of the future should look and which (already planned and proposed) innovations can become killing apps. Successful innovation in the public sector often requires a paradigm shift and, in addition to technology, it is necessary to change thinking, processes and model of operation. What opportunities and risks are waiting for us on this road?
  • Discussion
  • Introduction
    How to create a smart region guide. Which regions are the most smart today and what does it mean? What is the V4 position. Which innovation support policies were successful and which were not? What we can do in order to be really smart?
  • Introduction
    How to create a smart region guide. Which regions are the most smart today and what does it mean? What is the V4 position. Which innovation support policies were successful and which were not? What we can do in order to be really smart?
  • Discussion: panel speakers & ...
  • Discussion: panel speakers & ...
  • Data Usage in the Digital Government
  • Access to health data
  • Round Table Discussion: A Battle of Digital Platforms in Europe?
    With increasing usage of electronic services and digital content, EU is confronted with success of global platforms and networks. What is the way through? What are the pro´s and con´s? What are the positions of strong IT leaders in these questions? EC just announced proposal for update of EU audio-visual rules as well as presented targeted approach to online platforms. The goal of the roundtable is to reflect on these topics and present positions of EU countries, as well as economic challenges and opportunities connected with this approach.

    Panellists and introductory speakers:
    • Juraj Bárdy, Chief Data Officer
    • Dagmar Bošanská, the coordinator of the national strategy for the implementation of the digital single market
                 Juraj Bárdy, Dagmar Bošanská: Digital platforms – Praise, fears and misconceptions

                 Download presentation


    • Martin Bailey, acting Head of Digital Single Market Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission
                 Martin Bailey: Online Platforms Opportunities and Challenges for the DSM

                 Download presentation


    • Pascal Rogard, Counsellor for Telecommunications, Information Society and Postal Services, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
                 Pascal Rogard: On Line Platforms – The approach of French Authorities
                 Download presentation


    • Gunther Grathwohl, Telecommunications and Information Society, Postal Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU

    • James Waterworth, Vice President, Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) Europe




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