Ivo Kovačič
A professional with more than 25 years of experience in IT in Slovakia and abroad. He is involved in project management, consulting and implementation services in the implementation of IT projects and as a manager also in the building implementation teams. New technologies and processes in the field of enterprise digital transformation, BizDevOps, enterprise process automation (RPA), enterprise information systems (ERP, CRM, DMS, software integration and development) and more are at the heart of his focus. He has been working at Atos since 2013 and is leading a group that carries into operation development and implementation projects. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of STU in Bratislava, at the Department of Microelectronics. Later, he completed his MBA at the University of Warwick.
Transformation - yes or no?
The digital transformation of companies and state institutions usually carries the aspect of digitization and delivery of IT solutions. The benefits and transformation effects are usually owned by professional departments and come after the creation of technical (IT) prerequisites. How to prepare projects as the role of the IT team and who owns the transformational changes and benefits? Those are the usual challenges in both the public and commercial sectors. The subject of the presentation will be an illustration of the challenges and realized benefits of selected projects of state and public administration in Europe. -
Discussion of invited guests
Vladimír Čavojec, INDRA
Ivo Kovačič, ATOS IT Solutions and Services
Peter Kucer, MIRRI
Roman Tuchyňa, Microsoft Slovakia
Luděk Šafař, Dell Technologies
Viera Uherová, ORACLE
Annual Round Table
The presentation offers a complex view of the cohesion policy after 2021. In this contribution, you will learn more about the negotiations of the MFF, what kind of simplifications you may expect and what are the upcoming events in the negotiations. You will learn about the objectives and priorities of the European Commission and the possibilities for cumulative funding.
Do you have ambitions to use artificial intelligence?
When it comes to term artificial intelligence, most of us would imagine talking robots, autonomous cars or digital personal assistants. Ideally, we encounter such applications in practice, but still quite rarely. In fact, the term artificial intelligence includes not only these cutting-edge applications but also a number of machine learning examples that support the automation of the processes of a company or institution, e.g. processing the citizen's application. We would like to draw attention to the aspect of realistic ambitions and the necessary preparation for the use of technologies from the artificial intelligence family, as well as the place of machine learning in process automation.
Artificial Intelligence – Are We Ready to Take Use Of The Potential?
The popular view of artificial intelligence often subverts the dilemma between good and evil, between threats and benefits. This basic pattern also reflects another element that is the fear of changes.
The digitization accelerates transformation of the society, and the artificial intelligence adds another factor to this change. At Tatra Summit 2018, rolled intuition that by 2030 the character of up to 40% of jobs could be substantially changed. The realization of visions has never been as fast in history as it is now.
Artificial Intelligence is a popular collective name of many technologies whose use and nature and potential use are often very different. In principle, all of them allow you to automate the various aspects of human activities that until recently were reserved for people. In order to exploit their potential, we must understand these differences.
The answer to whether we can use this potential is also related to how we are willing to change ourselves.
Automation of processes in public administration
Biometrics in accordance with GDPR
Biometrics in accordance with GDPR