Ivan Ištvánffy
Ivan Ištvánffy is since 2012 Director General of National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES). Since 2003 he takes part in implementation of projects funded by European Union. In 2007 - 2010 he was Director General and secretary of Council of the Government for Regional Politics and Control over Structural Operations in The Governmental Office of the Slovak Republic.
Sign in to ITAPA Health&Care 2025
The practical impact of the eGovernment to run CPAP
Broadband in Slovakia in the medium terms - 3rd priority axis
Central Portal - First Half
Broadband over programming periods
The infrastructure is one of the most important factors to deliver e-services to citizens. In this speech, we introduce network connection (WiFi, Broadband network) and electronic certification which is called public key infrastructure. -
Opening remarks
New bases for broadband