Alojz Vlčko
In 2017, the mayor of Prievidza, Katarína Macháčková, initiated the opening of the discussion on the future of Horná Nitra. Alojz Vlčko, as head of the mayor's office, actively participated in the preparation of the public call Let's get rid of uncertainty and the organization of the Round Table on the future of Horná Nitra. Subsequently, as the head of one of the working groups, he was the main actor in the participatory process in which the Action Plan for the transformation of the Horná Nitra coal region was created, later approved by the Slovak Government as a national strategy. After Horná Nitra was selected as one of the pilot regions of the newly established Platform for coal regions in the process of transformation established by the European Commission, he participated in its events and activities at home and abroad. Currently, in the city of Prievidza, he coordinates the agenda related to the process of transformation of Horná Nitra in the cooperation of the municipality with state administration bodies, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and other interested parties.
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Guests of the ITAPA OPEN TALK: Decarbonization - transformation and sustainable development of regions | Jesenná ITAPA 2022
A crisis is an opportunity. Closing coal mines is a nightmare. The transformation of the regions is necessary, but it must be in solidarity. At the same time, it is a great opportunity for the economic restart of the territory at a higher level, which must be innovative, green and social. This is Slovakia's vision for the upper Nitra and for the Košice and Banska Bystrica regions.
RASTISLAV TRNKA, KOŠICE SELF-GOVERNING REGION: ,,The key to the successful transformation of the Košice Region will be investments in education and the construction of a hydrogen valley."
Alojz Vlčko, Municipal Office of Prievidza
Jaroslav Baška, Trenčín self-governing region
Rastislav Trnka, Košice self-governing region
Peter Balík, MIRDI
Rastislav Nemec, SPP
Heinz Gratzer, Vice Mayor of Prellenkirchen