Alessandro Annoni
Digital transformation and AI | Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2018: Hacking the Future
Digital transformation refers to the profound changes taking place in the economy and society as a result of the uptake and integration of digital technologies in every aspect of human life. The Digital Transformation induces profound changes in (a) the behaviour of individuals and organisations in society and (b) the boundaries of individuals and organisations. It has a pervasive impact on all activities, sectors, domains and types of organisations, from households to private firms and public administrations, to political organisations and NGOs.
Digitalisation is mentioned in the reflection paper on Future of Europe - Harnessing Globalisation as one of the main issue influencing Globalisation in 2025. All sectors will be affected, and at the global level. This marks a significant difference from previous waves of technological innovation which tended to affect one sector at the time and one area of the world at the time, allowing for example displaced workers to find jobs in other sectors or locations. This time the effects on both economy and society are likely to be deeper because of their global, cross-sector nature.
Artificial intelligence is already part of our everyday lives, from using a virtual personal assistant to organise our day, to having our phones suggest songs we might like. Beyond making our lives easier, smart systems help us solve some of the world's biggest challenges: treating chronic diseases, fighting climate change, and anticipating cybersecurity threats. AI is one of the most strategic technologies of the 21st century.
On 25 April 2018 the European Commission presented a series of measures to put artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of Europeans and boost Europe's competitiveness in this field. (COM (2018) 237 "Artificial Intelligence in Europe". It is a three-pronged approach to increase public and private investment in AI, prepare for socio-economic changes, and ensure an appropriate ethical and legal framework. This follows European leaders' call for a European approach on AI.
JRC has carried out extensive research to understand impact of AI on economy and society. This presentation will present the main finding of our research.