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Stanislav Straka

Softec , Team Leader, Senior Developer
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Work experience:
2000 – now: SOFTEC s.r.o., Bratislava – design, implementation and team managing

Participation in many IT projects especially oriented to public sector.

Experience in design and implementation of migration processes, web services, development reports. Long term experience with team management.
Current position: Project Manager

Database: Oracle, MS SQL Server
Programming languages and technology:C++, Java, JEE, HTML, JSP, ASP, PHP, XML, XSLT, SOA

ORACLE PL/SQL Developer Certified associate
APMG PRINCE2 Foundation + Practitioner
  • Electronic services in social benefits area   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2015: No Borders
    Why should you attend the lecture? 
    The lecture will bring a comprehensive overview of services in the field of social benefits in the Slovak Republic and 39 new overview of e-services for citizens that will facilitate any social benefits and easier ways in which to access it.

    The paper will provide the complex view on electronic services in the area of social benefits. These use the centralized system to support social benefit payment. The system is connected to the Physical persons register. The paper will introduce the portal solution that provides new electronic services in the area of social benefits and their payment.
  • Social resort as a part of eGovernment   |   Medzinárodný kongres ITAPA 2014: Future is TODAY
    The first era of programming the information systems within the project of informatisation of Society will be soon finished. Many projects, whichgave a base of eGovernment in Slovakia, are gradually launching into the operation. Further projects are waiting for their launch in order to make the electronic services available to public. One of them is also the project of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic–Electronic services that is focused on providing the electronic services within the agenda of social benefits payments. One of the project goals was to generate the electronic application forms and interconnect the already existing information system for management of social benefits (IS RSD) with the basic pillars of eGovernment – the Central Government Portal and basic registers such as the Register of natural persons.

    In the lecture we will describe the pieces of experience gained during the integration of IS RSD to the systems of eGovernment. Shortly we will present what we managed in the previous season and how we dealt with the problems that had to be solved while developing the system.
  • Electronic forms in social benefits agenda – how to deal with UPVS   |   Kongres ITAPA 2013: Putting IT together
    The goal of Operational programs for infomatization of the society is usually to provide citizens (physical or legal bodies) with diverse electronic services. Electronic forms are often used to support realization of these services.
    Public administration central portal (UPVS) has been established as the union access point. This portal offers the set of standard services to support the whole process of electronic submission and delivery of electronic documents. The standard UPVS services are expected to be used in maximal extent to avoid solving the problems in different systems again and again.
    Currently valid laws and standards do not set the only mean how the electronic services should be implemented. Only basic boundaries ensuring legally acceptable electronic submission are defined. It is up to the service provider to choose the technologies and principles to be used.
    This short paper introduces one alternative how to deal with the problem. The process from submission to processing via UPVS services that was chosen by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family for the agenda of social benefits will be shortly described.
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