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Reinhard Posch

Chief Information Officer, Austria, Chief Information Officer
Dipl.-­‐Ing.Dr.techn.Technical University Graz

1971-­‐1979 Graz Research Center
1974-­‐1984 Assistant professor at Graz University of Technology.
1979  Leave at Sperry Univac (Roseville, MN, USA).
1984 Approved as Lecturer ("Habilitation") for "Applied Information Processing and Information Technology".
1984 Full Professor. "Applied Information Processing and Communications".
1986-­‐today  Head of the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications Technology TU Graz
1999-­‐today Scientific director of the Austrian Secure Information Technology Center (A-­‐SIT)
2001-­‐today Chief Information Officer (CIO), Government of Austria
2003-­‐today Chairman of the board of trustees of Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC
2007-­‐2011 Chairman of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency
2010 Member of the „IT Rat der Weisen“ to give professional advise to Commissioner Kroes and Šefčovic.

The role of the CIO for the federal government is primarily the strategic coordination of acdvices in the field of information and communications technology that concern more than one ministry. As such the CIO is the Chair of the Austrian eGovernment platform “DIGITAL:AUSTRIA” that includes all level of government. As Head of the Institute he specialised in ‘Applied Information Processing and Communications Technology'. The main efforts of the Institute and of as scientific director of the Austrian Secure Information Technology Centre are computer security, cryptography, secure hard-­‐ and software and eGovernment.

He is chairman of the board of trustees of the non-­‐profit foundation Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC which has been donated by Graz University of Technology. Reinhard Posch takes part in groups installed by the European Commission to elaborate ICT and security strategies (e.g. „Future Internet Visionaries“, RISEPTIS).

Being a member of the "Rat der IT Weisen" he is providing advice to the Commissioners Kroes and Šefčovic in the area of IT-­‐Security to assist the implementation of the Digital Agenda.

Reinhard Posch got awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria.
  • Identity and encryption tools to enable digital sovereignty
    Core aspects of Digital Sovereignty will be governance of ICT and the new technologies and paradigms mainly with mobile technologies and cloud computing. At the same time, these aspects are some of the hardest security challenges. The intersect of these areas will be the major drivers when it comes to the lead or even domination in the field of ICT over the next decade.

    With this digital sovereignty and international agreements, e.g. TTIP will play a decisive role in this game. The fall of the Safe Harbor will add even more complexity.

    Europe seems to have given in with the global division where America focusses on large and industrial software and systems where Asia has taken the lead with hardware as labor and environment conditions are not reflected in the products.

    Europe being one of the largest markets is still struggling with its position in this game. Consumer’s needs and security as well as data protection and trusted information security might be areas where Europe has fair chances but at the end it will be about governance.

    While overarching and global some of the key factors of such governance will be factored into important detail aspects and new ICT paradigms like mobile and cloud computing and might even take dominant roles.

  • Mastering Challenges of the Digital Agenda
  • Austrian example
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