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Ana Dodea
Ana Dodea is a seasoned professional with extensive international experience in a wide range of geographies and industries gained over more than two decades of consulting for some of the world's leading companies. Before joining MSD, her work was primarily focused on creating bridges for dialogue and collaboration between the government and companies looking to invest or expand outside their home market. She has worked in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the US, Turkey, and Russia, and 2017 she joined MSD in Romania, where she led the policy and market access teams. Her work in Romania has contributed significantly to shifting the healthcare agenda and has led to an unprecedented acceleration in policy development at the coun…
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Bela Mriňáková
Bela Mriňáková has been dedicated to clinical oncology at the Oncological Institute of St. Elizabeth and the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University since 2006. In her clinical practice, she treats patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Drawing from her international experience at the Institute Jules Bordet in Belgium, she decided to focus her attention mainly on the development and treatment of brain metastases, rare subtypes of breast cancer, treatment of men with this diagnosis, treatment of cancer during pregnancy and the field of oncofertility. Additionally, she actively engages in awareness campaigns, patient advocacy and breast cancer prevention. Her scientific activity concentrates on translational research and clinical resear…
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Dominika Kormanová
Dominika Kormanová was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 32. When she heard the dire diagnosis, her burgeoning business career was brought to a screeching halt overnight. She felt the lump herself, did not wait and immediately reported to the doctor. Thus began a difficult carousel - diagnostics, operations and treatment. During this difficult time, she went through days when she was afraid of what would come in the coming weeks and days when she believed that the treatment would only be a temporary period in her life. She got to know the Amazons when she needed it most, she met women who best understood what was going through her mind. She began to actively participate and help during the treatment, and after 5 years she became…
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Lucia Vitárius
MUDr. Lucia Vitárius, MPH is a graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava. She specialized in general medicine and healthcare management and financing. A significant part of his experience is in managerial positions in the health sector. First as a medical manager and quality manager in a network of polyclinics. These were the first medical facilities in Slovakia to receive quality accreditation from the Joint Accreditation Commission (SAK). She was the director of the polyclinic for four years. Subsequently, her managerial skills culminated in the current position of director of the health activities section at the General Health Insurance Company, where she is responsible for review and approval activities.
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