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DISCUSSION "Digital state 2027"

/ Lecture

Pavol Frič

Vice President of IT Association of Slovakia for eGovernment. In 1986, he finished his university studies at the Department of Computers of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, SVŠT in Bratislava. After completing his studies, he continued to work at the university and in 1995 defended his candidate's dissertation in the field of artificial intelligence. He developed several new subjects and actively lectured in the field of artificial intelligence and software engineering. In 1995, he began to devote himself fully to work at DITEC. He worked as the director of the Information Systems Division. In 2000, he was appointed to the position of Vice President for Strategy. In this position, he manages the company's development projects and…
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Martin Sůra

ATOS IT Solutions and Services in Slovakia
Martin Sůra (45) holds the position of CEO and manager for Slovak and the Czech Republic since June 5, 2017. Prior to taking the role  at Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o., Martin worked for the last 4 years as CEO at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Slovakia, s.r.o .. After joining HP / HPE in 1998, Martin Sura worked as an Enterprise Account Manager and a Dealer Manager; he was the first employee of the division dedicated to enterprise solutions in Slovakia. In 2003 he  became District manager for Public Sector TSG Sales, and was  responsible for the entire HP portfolio within the public sector in Slovakia. Martin Sura later held a couple of trading roles in the CEE region , the Middle East and Africa. In 2006, he becam…
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Michal Ilko

Sociálna poisťovňa
Michal Ilko holds the position of Director General of the Social Insurance Agency since April 1, 2022. He is a long-time expert in the field of IT services. He has extensive experience in designing and implementing new information solutions or modernizing original systems. He has implemented several strategic projects at the national and international level. In the period from 2020 to 2022, he held the position of Director of the Section of Informatics in the Social Insurance Agency. His target was setting up an investment plan to remediate the technological debt of the IT infrastructure of the Agency as well as creating a data office to improve use of data to support the decision-making process at managerial level. Between 2011 and 2…
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Peter Steinhübl

Peter Steinhübl is a qualified lawyer who has been working in the field of IT and labor law for more than 10 years. He has been working in Slovensko.Digital since 2019 as a member of the Board of Directors. He is responsible for the tax - levy group and also acts as a member of the presidium in the Žilina IT cluster. From 1 April 2023, he is also the CEO of Slovensko.Digital. He acquired his education and work experience in Slovakia, Austria and Germany. It is dedicated to improvements in the field of IT - defining and fulfilling the needs of customers in the business, public and third sector with the aim of bringing IT solutions that reduce the administrative burden as much as possible and allow organizations as well as individual emplo…
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Ivan Ivančin

Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic
Ing. Ivan Ivančin holds the position of State Secretary for Informatization at the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization. His vision is to transform the state's digital services to make them more efficient and user-friendly for the end-user, with an emphasis on simplifying and speeding up the processes of drawing on EU funds. He has many years of professional experience in IT and implementation of operational programmes. From 2019 - 2023, he worked as an IT consultant for the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environment, General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic, NCZI and ÚRSO, where he was involved in digital transformation of the institution, the process of allocation of financ…
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