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Walter Schill

Fabasoft AG, contributor to the Digital Agenda for Europe
“He is man who knows everything about information technology and public administration. Because he understands people and related processes.“
Walter M. Schill worked in several international IT- Companies as Consultant, Project- and Sales Manager on international level. He joined the Fabasoft team as Managing Director In 1994 und currently he heads the Large Account Business Unit. The company operates in various fields within the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) arena. The product portfolio can either be implemented on-premises at the customers site or distributed as cloud services. The company's markets are comprised European markets namely Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Great Britain and Italy with other Countries representing USA. Industry of ECM is worth $ 4.3 billion of annual software revenue and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.4% through 2015 according with industry analysts. Fabasoft as business leader in this field supports  the Digital Agenda for Europe, in particular the Cloud Select Industry Group on Code of Conduct.
  • The Cloud as Innovation Driver for eGovernment
    To unlock the potential of cloud computing for eGovernment to its fullest, the infrastructural conditions and necessary legal fundamentals must now be speedily put in place.

    Just few sentences, but they can describe our future:  Administrative authorities need an efficiency push.  Cost cutting and productivity gains are the order of the day. Maximum automation and quality-orientated interaction are in focus. Excellent interoperability, open government and cloud computing cater for innovation dynamism.  Infrastructure development and legal certainty are central prerequisites.  Coverage of mobile devices and mastering media present a huge opportunity.  

    If I need to use just one sentence, it could be this one: Cloud-based eGovernment is the key to the future of Europe! 

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