Veronika Hudzíková
The world of innovation started to interest me during my studies at the Technical University in Kosice. Especially how to bring new ideas to life to build solutions that helps others. My first projects started in Hackatons from IoT air quality measurement to the application of bluetooth sensors for navigation inside the building for visually impaired people. But this solution didn't remain just as an idea. Together with my team, the Union of the Blind and weak sighted in Slovakia and the T-Systems Slovakia we realised this project in the premises of the East Slovak Museum. Museum Alone project serves as an interactive museum guide with special navigation features and voice assistant that helps visually impaired visitors to understand the museum exposure. The Project Museum Alone was awarded as Social Innovation in Slovakia for 2018 and won 3th place as IT Product of the 2019. New ideas are everywhere around us, that is why I am currently working on digital rehabilitation therapist for people with face palsy to innovate health treatment therapy.
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Ignite session: Digital therapy in patients pocket
Face palsy can happened suddenly and it's most commonly caused by viral disease, defeat, tumor, surgery or wind. The disease is manifested by paralysis of one half of the patient's face and muscle immobility. Face paralysis effects normal life of patient in a many ways. Patient has problems with eating, drinking, speaking in public and there is increasing risk of depression. Improper performance of facial exercises causes abnormal muscle movements (sykinesis), which become an undesirable part of normal facial expression.
The FaceRehab project fills the space of uncontrolled home exercise which are done without medical supervision in a completely new digital treatment in the time of COVID-19. Our results are satisfied patients and collected data on the progress of patient treatment for the first time in digital form. Using depth cameras in the smart phone, our application becomes a pocket therapist which use 3D model of the face to offer digital treatment separated to diagnose and training mode. Thanks to interactive application we try to motivate the patient, inform about health status and progress, set reminders and alert when synkinesis can occurs.
Collected treatment data are now available to healthcare stuff and professionals. Completely new data on the market about the patient's health status can be exported to e-health cards, used for research but mainly to specify the individual treatment by physiotherapist and neurologist.
Our vision and mission is to bring our patients smiles back.