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Tomáš Kovaľ

ANTIK Telekom

Tomáš Kovaľ is responsible for the voice services department and Internet of Things (IoT) at Antik Telecom. He focuses mainly on building voice infrastructure, developing attractive services for customers in a dynamically changing competitive environment. Smart solutions such as smart metering, intelligent lighting, rational waste management, safety or parking solutions will be a matter of course for municipalities. Thanks to the study of multimedia telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice and almost 10 years of experience in this field, Tomáš Koval's new challenges in this field are an inspirational drive forward.

  • Where are the convergence boundaries in the telecommunications segment

    The past belongs to voice services, in the last decade we built triple-play models. What is the role of the operator in the future?

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