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Thomas Göhl

Roche Diagnostics Deutschland & Roche Diagnostics Deutschland , Market Development Manager EMEA
Thomas Göhl is a Market Development Manager at Roche Diagnostics. He leads Europe- & Latin America-wide pilot projects in hospitals to evaluate digital algorithms & clinical decision support systems with a specific focus on building new business models & quantifying health economic outcomes in multiple countries. His passion in digital transformation & international health economics are based on more than 7 years of expertise in pharmaceutical brand management & strategy consulting.
  • AI & ChatGPT - what lies ahead in medicine?
    What role does artificial intelligence play in the patient's journey in modern medicine? Artificial intelligence applied in medical practice can be an effective assistant to doctors. Radiodiagnostics is one of the most fertile fields for the application of AI in oncology. AI can count tiny details and deviations and raise suspicions where the human eye is not capable. Today, oncology is moving towards tumor diagnosis at the gene level, and AI can be a key tool in improving diagnostics. Can AI already evaluate genomic analysis and identify genetic mutations of the disease?
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