Štefan Kačer
RNDr. Štefan Káčer has been with SGIDS (State Geology Institute of Dionyz Stur) since 1987, and started as a geochemist at the Department of Mineral Deposits. Gradually, he began to get involved in computer processing of geologic data. In 1996, as a member of the Department of Cartography, he participated in establishing the digital print of Basic Geologic Maps. Since 2003 he led several projects of creation and administration of the Geology Information System. In 2007 he became Director of the Department of Information Systems and he represents ŠGÚDŠ in several ministerial and international committees. He authored and co-authored many professional publications. In 2015, he was awarded a Honourable Mention for Excellent Results in Geology and Long-term Contribution to Environmental Care.
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Slovak Geologic Heritage Available to All
Why should you attend the lecture?
Although, at the first glance, geology might seem a topic quite removed from daily life, it is not the case. Geologic data contain a lot of useful information about the quality of the environment that we inhabit. What does my well water contain? Where are precious minerals found? What elements are found in the soil that I farm on? The Digital Archive of the Geofund, now available online and user-friendly to all interested parties, contains countless answers useful in daily life and not available from other sources. How to find them and use them will be presented to you directly by one of the archive creators, Mr. Stefan Kacer, Director of the Department of Information Systems of the SGIDS.
In 75 years, employees of the State Geologic Institute of Dionyz Stur (SGIDS) and geologists from other organisations gathered an enormous amount of data concentrated into geology reports, publications, articles and maps. They are used daily by surveyors, building companies, architects, developers, cities and towns, as well as citizens. Until now they were available exclusively in person, in paper copies, in the archives of the Geofond and the Central Geology Library, both of which are part of the SGIDS.
Last year, thanks to a large European project of digitalisation of the Slovak cultural heritage, the SGIDS implemented a modern digital line to scan documents and enter them into the digital archive. To date, 45,000 out of the existing 100,000 geologic reports with attachments and maps were digitised, more are being converted. As a result, the precious geologic heritage will be digitised and preserved for next generations.
Preserving, accessibility and distribution of geologic information is thus being transferred into electronic form only. Anyone interested in geologic data from any part of Slovakia finds everything through a keyword full-text search in the online archive. Personal visits of clients in the Geologic Library in Bratislava, as well as manual search, coping and provision of reports to clients, which represented substantial cost for both the SGIDS and its cliets, have been eliminated.