Sabrina Grimsrud
Sabrina is originally from Canada but has been living in Norway for the past eight years. She has a background in Geography and GIS, has worked as a Project Manager for five years both in Canada and in Norway, as a GIS consultant for three years and now as a senior advisor for the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s International Services section for two years. She is responsible for coordinating EEA Grant funded project partnerships for the Mapping Authority, as well as foreign aid projects in Montenegro and Pakistan.
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Geo Data Usage in Norway
Abstract: The presentation will focus on how geodata Is used in Norway. Over 600 public actors at different levels produce or have a need for spatial data, and to avoid duplication of efforts and share the benefits of these data as widely as possible they participate in a nationally coordinated cooperation. The objective is to demonstrate our best practices in terms of data collection, maintenance, dissemination and use within a spatial data infrastructure. Additionally, to show how Norway is influenced by but also contributes towards international standards for geographic information.