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Róbert Babeľa

Slovak Medical University

Róbert Babeľa is a specialist in the field of health technology assessment, which he has been working on for more than a decade. He is a graduate of three universities including the Open University Business School, London, UK and the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. He is the author and co-author of more than 180 publications at home and abroad, and has gained practical skills during his more than 20 years in various positions in the healthcare sector, where he continues to work. Prof. PhDr. Róbert Babeľa, PhD., MBA, MSc (HTA), FISAC is a member of several editorial boards of international journals and professional companies. He currently focuses on scientific projects related to the quantification of the actual total costs of selected diagnoses or medical fields in Slovakia under the auspices of the Biomedical Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and evaluates the cost-effectiveness of selected screenings in oncology for the National Cancer Institute.

  • DISCUSSION "Mental health of young people in the age of digitization"
  • DISCUSSION "How much does a sick population cost the state?"
  • DISCUSSION "How much does a sick population cost the state?"
  • Fiscal consequences of Disease
  • Moderated by
  • DISCUSSION "Is innovative treatment an investment or an expense?"
  • Moderated by
  • Can we unlock the hidden potential of EHDS?
    The European Health Data Space, or EHDS, is an initiative of the European Commission to develop a European Union-level regulation that aims to facilitate patients' access to their personal data and to promote the exchange and sharing of health data across the European Union. The EHDS seeks to create a secure data exchange environment that respects privacy. It is an initiative that promotes the availability of high-quality health data for research, policy-making and innovation in healthcare. However, the EHDS also highlights the importance of data governance, ethical principles and compliance with data protection regulations, and facilitates the exchange of health data between stakeholders such as healthcare providers, researchers, policy makers and patients. 5+1 recommendations for the timely and effective implementation of the EHDS in Slovakia in order not to fall behind other Member States and, on the contrary, to start being an active member of the health data community by adequately supporting the harmonisation of health data formats and structures or by promoting data accessibility in support of research and innovation using health data. The recommendations do not forget the area of technical standards for data interoperability, improvement of mechanisms and platforms for data exchange and sharing, and implementation of AI. The last +1 refers to a specific legislative recommendation.
  • DISCUSSION "How to support innovations in healthcare?"
  • Hot-seat
  • DISCUSSION "How to move Czech and Slovak healthcare forward?"
    What challenges does the Czech and Slovak healthcare sector face? Are our countries similar? Do we solve similar type of problems and challenges? How do we look at development opportunities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and where our countries are headed in the development of healthcare.

    Robert Babeľa, Ministry of Health of the SR 
    Jakub Rybár, AGEL 
    Andrej Aleksiev, Kreston Slovakia

  • ITAPA OPEN TALK: Innovative treatment - innovative financing
    Tomáš Doležal, Institute for Health Economics and Technology Assessment 
    Róbert Babeľa, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic 
    Zuzana Dolinková, HLAS - social democracy
    Elena Marušáková, Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights of the Slovak Republic

  • Hot-seat
  • Hot-seat diskusia discussion
    An interview about the importance of healthcare, readiness for the implementation of the recovery plan, the reform of the hospital network, the reform of medicines, but also about what the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic plans to achieve in the next elections.
  • Speakers of the Health system reform and sustainability
  • Opening speech
  • Discussion
  • Value-base healthcare: is this strategy that will fix healthcare?
  • Data analysis in healthcare: quo vadis?
    Since 2017, our analyzes have brought new insights on the most accurate cost data of selected diseases from the perspective of a sick patient or the entire population. However, this data is not just for a one-time presentation but provides guidance on where and by how to use resources that will still be limited. The presentation will show interesting insights into what we already know today and where we could go in the field of data and costs (not only) in healthcare.
  • Discussion
    Discussion of invited guests:
    Adam Kozierkiewicz, JASPERS, European Investment Bank
    Róbert Babeľa, Ústav zdravotníckych disciplín VŠZaSP sv. Alžbety
    Jozef Benčík, SAS Slovakia
    Daren Wilson, Roche Slovakia

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