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Petr Pavlinec

Regional Authority of Vysocina Region, Head of the Department of Informatics
Ing. Petr Pavlinec
Currently Head of the Department of Informatics of the Regional Authority of Vysocina Region (one of 14 Czech Regions). Born in 1976, graduated from the University of Economics in Prague in the fields of information technology, knowledge engineering and economics. His professional career in ICT began in 1996 as a programmer and systems administrator CAD BOSCH Automation. Since 1999 he worked as an internet node administrator in Elson company. In 2000, he became product manager for the ERP system SRS Czech company Emel Brno.
Since 2001 he is working as head of the Department of ICT (CIO) in Regional Authority. During his work at the regional office became vice-president of Commission of Informatics, Association of Czech Regions (2002-2004), chairman of the GIS Working Group of Czech Regions (since 2005) and member of The Government Council for Information Technology (2013).
Petr Pavlinec is married and father of two daughters.
  • eGovernment projects of Vysocina region
    The presentation will focus on IT services development in one of the Czech regions, their interconnection to the national eGovernment strategy, collaboration with academic sector and inspirations from international projects.
    Tvorivé využívanie výstupov informatizácie verejnej správy v komerčnej sfére
    Efektívne využívanie elektronických služieb štátnej správy komerčnými subjektmi môže výrazne prispieť k zvýšeniu bezpečnosti systémov komerčných subjektov a zároveň výrazne zefektívniť boj s ekonomickou kriminalitou. Využitie existujúcich dát zo systémov štátnej správy a možnosť bezpečného overenia identity voči týmto dátam výrazne zvyšuje mieru odhalenia nekalej činnosti predstierania fiktívnej identity a s tým spojenou ekonomickou kriminalitou. Napríklad nasadenie nových efektívnych služieb overenia identity osoby na základe biometrie môže výrazne obmedziť možnosti podvodov s fiktívnou identitou vo verejnom a súkromnou sektore a tým výrazne zvýšiť bezpečnosť a efektívnosť týchto systémov.
  • Local Digital Agenda in V4 Countries (LDA-V4) – Digital Agenda for Europe in the eyes of local governments
    The countries of the Visegrad Four in the V4 region are interconnected by similar procedures of the two decades of democratization of society, decentralization of public administration and implementation of ICT to process the state agenda and carry out activities which belong  purely to the scope of responsibilities of local governments. The procedures implemented in individual countries of the V4 take the strategic concepts, adopted by and discussed on the EU level, including Digital Agenda for Europe, for the basis. For regional self-government units, the typical areas from the point of view of implementation of ICT and innovations are: electronic communication of residents with authorities, work with data about the area, care about sustainable growth of the municipality/region and other fields related to local governments. The other important tasks carried out by regional self-government units are: support of eParticipation of residents, involving them in the events in the municipality/region and strengthening of partner relationships with municipalities and regions of other countries in order to cooperate and exchange experience within a broader, international context.
    Project Local Digital Agenda in V4 Countries (LDA-V4) concentrates on the mapping of situation in the V4 countries from the point of view of strategic framework, institutional arrangement, legislative environment, use of the programs of financing and cooperation, state and local governments. The project further compares the situation in V4 countries in the European as well as worldwide context on the basis of indicators for the field of ICT and eGovernment. It presents examples of good practices, overall assessment of the situation in V4 countries and brings ideas for further actions. At the ITAPA conference, the preliminary results of the almost completed project LDA-V4 will be presented. Vysočina region is in charge of the project in cooperation with the partners from V4 countries.
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