Petr Chmelík
Petr has several years of experience in the field of ICT, his specialization is mainly in the field of security, both from the point of view of securing the organization, but especially in recent years in the field of Zero Day protection. It was the stories of customers, their experiences with hackers and securing the corporate perimeter that inspired me to found my own company and create a data protection product. The market was missing a product that includes secure file exchange of various types and sizes, which SOFiE does - Safe Online File Exchange.
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Secure File Exchange
It is our pleasure to present you our Safe Solution with an above-standard security level – SOFiE – an application to exchange files of any size and type. We offer you a reliable solution with high security for receiving and sending files both inside a company and outside for communicating with other entities. SOFiE will significantly increase the protection to a level very difficult to achieve when using other file exchange solutions, like email or FTP server for example. Simply put, SOFiE is the most secure way to exchange confidential information online.
Why should I see this presentation:
● Secure file exchange.
● Online AV scan with option of SANBOX technology
● Easy GUI
● Exhcnage files with internal or external people – partners, contractors, customers
● Without limits – number of files, file type, file size -
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