Peter Stančík
Peter Stančík joined ESET in 2010 and holds the position of the Security Evangelist. He is a graduate of Telecommunications at Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic where he pursued research in the field of cryptology. In ESET he is involved in initiatives focusing at the cyber security education and awareness.
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Modern malware - recent developments in terms of ESET Virus Lab
The development in the field of malicious software and cybercrime recorded significant changes since its beginnings. Unlike the first viruses encountered by the founders of our company in the eighties, the vast majority of today's malware is being created for the purpose of generating profit for authors and operators. It is not an exaggeration to describe cybercrime as organized and sophisticated. In recent years, we have encountered cases of wide spread spam campaigns, trade with personal data, financial theft, as well as targeted attacks involving nation states and industrial attacks. Some of them even affected our region and hit users in Slovakia highlighting the seriousness of the problem.