Peter Krkoška
Peter Krkoška works in the ANEXT, a.s. as the division manager, where he participates in the strategic managing of IT projects. He has over ten years experience in the field of information technology. During his professional career he worked on more then 40 projects of implementation and integration of information systems in the variety of roles. Since 2009 he is concerned in preference with the problem of OPIS and IT projects within the slovak developement aid. He is the graduate of the University of Žilina in Applied Informatics.
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Telemedicine services of the Research centre for severe diseases and related complications
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At the lecture will be presented the one of five projects for supporting the establishment of research centers of multinational corporations focused on the basic technological research of the excelent quality realized with the participation of slovak business and top research teams of the research institutions.
With the increasing developement of civilisation diseases are associated requests for adequate medical, social and all-society procedures for searching progressive solutions in terms of minimizing the consequences (complications of diseases) and prolong the average lifetime as the key parameter of evaluating the health state of the population.
The research in the field of medical sciences is one of six basic priorities of research, as far as the Smart specialization strategy SR 2020 is considered. Information communication technologies, data analyses and mathematical methods provide infrastructure for basic research of how complex management of patient with chronical desease will contribute to improving the quality of patient´s life. Within the pilot phase of the research of Research centre for severe diseases were chosen the diabetes problem and its complications. Telemedicine services, as a way of obtaining selected physiological data using the discontinuous monitoring, adherence of patient to the treatment and better controll of the patient´s health state except standard ordinary doctors´ visits, are the subject of the clinical studies of DiaMonitor. The study is planned to include 400 patients, along with DM type 1 and 2 and about 25 medical centers. Telemedicine is considered to be the domain of eHealth and in the national dimension an implementation of telemedicine the Slovak Republic included in the planning of the second wave the eHealth.