Peter Dittrich
Peter Dittrich is currently working as vice-chairman and Chief Investment Officer of the Slovak Investment Holding. In this position he is responsible for implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds in the Slovak Republic in the form of financial instruments. Through this SIH supports various areas of Slovak economy, such as transport infrastructure, SMEs, energy efficiency, waste management, cultural and creative industry, and social economy. Previously, he worked in top management positions in several banks and leasing companies in Slovakia and later on as an advisor to several industrial, and real-estate companies. Since 2013 he worked as advisor to the Chairman of SZRB, in this capacity he participated in preparation, and founding of SIH. He also served as supervisory board member of Prager Handelsbank in Frankfurt, Germany, and board member of the Slovak Leasing Association. He holds PhD. degree in Global Economics.
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