Pavol Lepey
Pavol Lepey has more than 26 years of experience working in healthcare. Worked on healthcare transformation and innovation at Roche. For several years he successfully led the representation of Medtronic in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, worked for Abbott Laboratories and focused on the implementation of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools in clinical and laboratory practice.
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Where is accuracy - the importance of software in healthcare
Keynote "The future of effective introduction of modern approaches to diagnostics and therapy."
Building modern diagnostic and therapeutic units is a process demanding technological and project readiness, cooperation of several specialties, connection to science and research and, of course, finances. Our goal should therefore be to achieve effective spending of all resources with a focus on the patient and improving his path in the health system. -
Speakers of the Health system reform and sustainability
Value Based Procurement in Healthcare
Value-based procurement (VBP) is a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to partnering for patient centric, better quality and more financially sustainable healthcare. VBP involves pursuing better outcomes for patients and other healthcare actors while optimizing the cost of delivering care. It represents a shift away from the traditional focus on price of supplies (inputs), towards a new approach that emphasizes what is valued (outputs).*
By focusing on value, including cost of care and outcomes criteria instead of price alone, procurement authorities can play a role in delivering better quality care more efficiently. Some healthcare providers across Europe are already testing new approaches to value-based procurement (VBP).
https://www.medtecheurope.orgiwp-content/uploads/2020/06/2019_VBPC-Event-Report. pdf
panel speakers
Pavol Lepey, Roche Slovensko
Lukáš Palaj, Ministry of Health SR
Michal Štofko, Asociácia zdravotných poisťovní
Dominik Tomek, Asociácia na ochranu práv pacientov