Mirka Čikkelová
Mirka Cikkelova is the General Secretary of the European Patient Safety Foundation (EUPSF), an independent public interest foundation, based in Brussels (Belgium). She graduated in economics and, as an experienced project manager, she coordinates the EUPSF's efforts in uniting experts and leading organisations to drive patient safety forward across Europe. By involving stakeholders such as patient organisations and advocates, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, academia and life science companies, she ensures that the EUPSF’s work is comprehensive and inclusive. Her large network and ability to bring together complementary points of view facilitates the development of the solutions tailored to the complexity of patient safety challenges. In addition to her strategic and project management work, she is deeply passionate about achieving sustainable and substantial improvements in the well-being and safety of patients and health professionals. As such, she backs EUPSF’s specific interest in the successful implementation of new technologies, as their potential to improve patient safety and patient outcomes. She also invests herself personally in the development of raising-awareness collaborative Fighting Fatigue Together Campaign aiming to protect healthcare workers and patients from risks associated with fatigue.
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DISCUSSION “Patient Safety, Staff Safety“