Miloslava Gábrišová
Miloslava Gábrišová has been working in the telecommunications and IT sector since 1994. During her tenure, she held positions in the companies Západoslovenská energetika and Energotel responsible for the development and operation of telecommunications and IT technological units, as well as for the stability and quality of the services provided. During its 20 years of existence, Energotel has developed into a successful telecommunications operator operating on the Slovak market, which provides its shareholders and a wide range of permanent clients with high-quality services based on the telecommunications infrastructure of the Slovak energy industry. Information security is an integral part of the quality of the services provided. Since 2019, in the position of technical director, she has been leading the team to transform experience from operating IP and IT infrastructure into the independent provision of products in the field of information and cyber security, including the Security Operational Center and CSIRT services. Years of experience are supported by appropriate education and certification, such as CISA, CISSP, CEH, CHFI, ISO 27000, CCNP security, Comptia Security sy0-501 and Cyber Security Manager.
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DISCUSSION "How an industrial company changes under the influence of AI"
IGNITE SESSION: Business service monitoring
The aim of this paper is to introduce:
- Innovative concept of operational security monitoring (SecOps) using a unified data base for monitoring and elimination of security threats and ensuring continuity of business services,
- key benefits of such a concept for business service continuity and reduction of MTTI and MTTR:- real-time visibility and notification
- early detection of problems - prediction
- security threat recognition
- improved reliability of IT resources
- performance monitoring
- real deployment of the concept in the environment:- utilities - Slovakia, Stredoslovenská distribučná a.s.
- REWE Group business chain