Milan Lím
He is a graduate of the Military Aviation Secondary School (1975-1979) and the Military Aviation College (1981-1985). His professional focus is on aviation engineering and technical operational security. From 1975 to 1992, he was a member of the Czechoslovak Air Force. From 1993 to 2000 members of the Slovak Air Force. She ended her service after reaching the prescribed age limit. He worked throughout his military service in the field of technical and material security and finished it in the highest management positions within his expertise. From 2000 to the present, he has been working in private companies engaged in the provision of consulting and services related to aviation. More than 5 years with the latest theme of detection, protection and defense against UAV. On this topic, in cooperation with foreign partners, several times modern technology - for the Official Nuclear Supervisory Authority, Elektrárne Mochovce, Jaslovské Bohunice, Objects of the Prison and Judicial Guard Corps (prisons), units of the Border and Foreign Police on the Slovak eastern border, the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Republic and others.
Drone Threats and Critical Infrastructure Protection
Early detection of the movement of unmanned vehicles in the vicinity of critical infrastructure objects and non-destructive options for preventing the penetration of unmanned vehicles through their perimeter.