Martin Koška
Main occupation and responsibilities:
- menber of implementation team for INSPIRE at SEA
- member of INSPIRE international team - IOC Task Force Member
- administration of ArcIMS, ArcGIS map server
- programming of GIS web-applications in PHP language
- programming of GIS web-applications on ESRI platform
language MS Visual Studio C# using ArcGIS Server
Application Developer Framework (ADF™) for .NET
Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA)
Important activities and memberships:
- member of INSPIRE-IOC-task force member – expert team
- coordinator of international projects – NATURESDIplus, AWWB
- menber of implementation team for INSPIRE at SEA
- member of INSPIRE international team - IOC Task Force Member
- administration of ArcIMS, ArcGIS map server
- programming of GIS web-applications in PHP language
- programming of GIS web-applications on ESRI platform
language MS Visual Studio C# using ArcGIS Server
Application Developer Framework (ADF™) for .NET
Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA)
Important activities and memberships:
- member of INSPIRE-IOC-task force member – expert team
- coordinator of international projects – NATURESDIplus, AWWB
Sign in to ITAPA Health&Care 2025
Use of metadata and spatial data in public services
Keywords: spatial data, metadata, integration, harmonization, standardization, modeling of spatial objects, national infrastructure on spatial data, INSPIRE, map services, WMS, WFS, interoperability, catalogue services Metadata with spatial data are an integral part in the implementation of spatial data. Likewise, their usage is based on the successive steps: discovery - view - download. Ministry of Environment through its professional organizations publish a large number of map services that are used in applications for public administration and public. The presentation lists some examples of how to effectively use these services and may make the work more effective of public administration and public. -
Environmental Geoportal
Network Services for Geographical Data
INSPIRE Directive brings the whole infrastructure, the integral part of which are an interoperable services on spatial data. There are implementing exact rules for search, display, removal and transformation services, under which spatial data are effectively available for wide use. These rules are based on generally applicable and accepted international standards, so they can be used to build somebody's own electronic government - eGovernment. Examples of services and their use will be presented in practical examples.