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Marián Velšic

Analyst, Institute for Public Affairs, Slovakia
Marián Velšic, graduate of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia with a Ph.D. degree in sociology. During 1993-1994 worked as an analyst for political parties. From 1995 to 1998 worked for the Cabinet of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since September 1998 he has worked at the Institute for Public Affairs. In 1995 he was a founding member of a revue titled 'Quo vadis, Slovakia?' and remained on its editorial board until 1998. He has co-authored a number of publications, including: Two Years of Political Freedom; Democracy and Discontent in Slovakia; Slovakia and its Election Rules; The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia, The Country in Motion; Slovakia - A Global Report on the State of Society 1998/1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006; Digital Literacy in Slovakia 2005 and 2007; e-Government in Slovakia 2007. As part of his research career, he has participated in several dozens sociological research projects dealing with transformation processes in the society. At present he is focusing on information society, digital literacy and e-Government
  • Digital Literacy and Labor Market
    For almost ten years Institute for Public Affairs makes surveys that map how is Slovak society coping with modern information and communication Technologies. First data from 2000 indicated that modern technology will be a problem for no small part of population. Intensive penetration of information Technologies into economy causes constant demand for a job with adequate level of digital literacy. Labor market is thus considered an environment that can in future not only suppress digital illiteracy but also increase its level. However it is necessary to answer the question how will the population in productive age – various categories of employees, entrepreneurs, sole traders and unemployed – adapt to increasing demands of labor market in this field.
  • Citizens Online
    Representative research aims to identify the needs and expectations of the citizens regarding public online services. The methodology, analysis of the collected statistical data and interpretation of the results were elaborated by Institut for Public Affairs Bratislava (IVO) in colaboration with ITAPA. The field data collection was carried out by a professional research agency Focus by employing a network of trained interviewers. The data collection was conductred throughout August 2007 on the sample of 1035 respondents.

    The research aims to elucidate the following: The level of the informedness of the general population on the public online services; who is and who is not online; what is the user experience and satisfaction with the present state of online public services; what are the forms and means of using these services available to the citizens; what are the main benefits and barriers to their usage at present; what is the level of interest in using public online services and the public’s potential for using these services into the future.
  • Panel Discussion


    Marian Velšic, Associated Analyst, Institute for Public Affairs

    Pavol Kukura, Executive Vice-President for Strategy and Regulation Matters, Slovak Telecom

    Martyn Suker, Principal Consultant, Media & Production, Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Ltd., London
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