Mária Lévyová
PhDr. Mária Lévyová is a nurse practitioner who has served in various capacities. She stood at the birth of the Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, her effort was to improve the position and conditions for nurses, but also for patients, who must be at the center of all efforts and actions implemented in health care. Acceptance of patients' rights and their satisfaction with the provision of all forms of healthcare, right through to follow-up and long-term care, are the best indicators of quality healthcare. She has worked in healthcare since 1978 as a bedside nurse, nurse manager, and president of the regional and Slovak Chamber of Nurses. During her practice, she completed her higher education in nursing by passing the rigorosum examination at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Applied Sciences in 2008 with a rigorosum examination. In 2016, she was elected by patient organizations to the position of President of the Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights (AOPP). The role of AOPP is to protect patients' rights, provide legal advice, participate in the preparation and changes in legislation, develop patient education and projects beneficial to patients with different types of diagnoses.