Ľudovít Paulis
MUDr. RNDr. Ľudovít Paulis, PhD. MPH. (1981) graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava in 2004 and from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Bratislava in 2006, where he also obtained a PhD in 2007. In 2010, he defended the title of RNDr. at the Faculty of Science of the P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and he also completed his education in public health management (MPH). He worked as a specialist of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, project manager at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University, post-doctoral student at INSERM in Montpellier, EU researcher and later visiting scientist at the Medical University Charité in Berlin.
After returning to the Slovak Republic, he works at the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since its founding in 2017, he has led Alterras Therapeutics, a drug development company that innovatively modulates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to treat diseases such as hypertensive pulmonary hypertension or adult acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He is very actively involved in supporting science and research. He is a member of the Executive Board of the European Cardiovascular Research Council. He has published 63 papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 1200 SCI citations.
As one of the youngest scientists, he received a prestigious grant from the European Commission Marie Curie-IEF and several awards such as the People's Bank Award for Education, the Guoth Award SLS or an honorable mention within the nomination of the Scientist of the Year of the Slovak Republic for extraordinary scientific results, publishing activity, strengthening of foreign cooperation, development and foreign representation of young Slovak science. He is a member of the SaS Education Team and its science and research expert.
He was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on March 21, 2020.
After returning to the Slovak Republic, he works at the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Since its founding in 2017, he has led Alterras Therapeutics, a drug development company that innovatively modulates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to treat diseases such as hypertensive pulmonary hypertension or adult acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). He is very actively involved in supporting science and research. He is a member of the Executive Board of the European Cardiovascular Research Council. He has published 63 papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 1200 SCI citations.
As one of the youngest scientists, he received a prestigious grant from the European Commission Marie Curie-IEF and several awards such as the People's Bank Award for Education, the Guoth Award SLS or an honorable mention within the nomination of the Scientist of the Year of the Slovak Republic for extraordinary scientific results, publishing activity, strengthening of foreign cooperation, development and foreign representation of young Slovak science. He is a member of the SaS Education Team and its science and research expert.
He was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic on March 21, 2020.
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