Ľuboš Halvoň
Bc. Ing. Ľuboš Halvoň, PhD.
Current position:
Director, the National Forest Centre – Institute for Forest Resources and Informatics
Completed education:
Scope of work at the NFC – IFRI:
Specialisation in forestry geodesy and photogrammetry – compilation of the national thematic map set on forests (NTMSF) including:
Memberships and other functions:
Current position:
Director, the National Forest Centre – Institute for Forest Resources and Informatics
Completed education:
- Faculty of Forestry, Technical University Zvolen – Forestry Degree – specialization in mapping and cadastre
- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zilinska University – Geodesy Degree - distance course of further education
- Faculty of Forestry, Technical University Zvolen – distance PhD course – Forest Planning
Scope of work at the NFC – IFRI:
Specialisation in forestry geodesy and photogrammetry – compilation of the national thematic map set on forests (NTMSF) including:
- project and other tasks associated with NTMPF
- in graphic and numeric forms, surveying and demarcation of forest land
- using photogrammetric instruments including condensing of point field by aerotriangulation and GNSS
- photogrammetric projects, orthorectification projects, creation of DSM/DTM and projects of densification of point fields
- coordination and controlling the use of aerial imagery for forest mapping
- conceptual and coordinating activities associated with creation, management and update of the basic database for the NTMSF
- comprehensive guidance and management of tasks associated with creation, update and maintenance of the NTMSF
- drafting documents for solving the issue of rights of use and ownership of immovable properties within the Ministry of Agriculture
- coordination of documents distribution, compilation of materials and participation in land reform projects
- participation in drafting mapping guidelines, methodologies and standards used in the information system on forests
- cooperation with cadastre and other authorities involved in administration of the NTMSF
- cooperation with technical departments of the NFC on drafting forestry related guidelines
- processing aerial imagery projects; methodological guidance on the use of photogrammetric methods for collecting data for GIS
- coordination and implementation of specific tasks in forest geodesy and photogrammetry in relation to the NTMSF compilation
- responsibility for implementation and enforcement of regulations on handling classified information pursuant to the National Council of the SR Act No. 241/2001 Coll. in the wording of the pursuant regulations – security manager of the technical instrument
Memberships and other functions:
- member of the Terminological Commission of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the SR
- author of a number of articles and papers focusing on geodesy and photogrammetry in forestry
- external opponent of multiple bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral thesis at the Technical University in Zvolen related to geodesy and photogrammetry applications in forestry
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Electronic monitoring of forests
Forests are protected by lasers and digital cameras
Why not to miss the presentation?
Slovakia is one of Europe's most wooded countries. We have to protect this wealth. It is no longer enough to control the state of forests through walks of rangers. You will learn about technologies and software used to protect this wealth.
Executive summary:
The presentation will briefly talk about fulfilled objectives, technical solution and benefits the project of Monitoring and research of forest ecosystems funded by Swiss Financial Mechanism brought the organization itself and its main users. These data have huge information potential and the presentation will show possible use of outputs from these data with focus on their use in public administration.