Libor David
Libor David is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague and has been working with SOFTEC since 2021 as a Digital Architect. Previously, he worked in the consulting division of Accenture, from his beginnings to leading the financial services in the region. He participated in a number of digital transformations of important financial institutions in Central Europe, either as a consultant or as an employee of the given institution, and also gained experience on projects in the USA. He also acts as a mentor to promising start-ups and cooperates with innovative start-up accelerators.
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Native digitalization – Evolution or revolution? | Jesenná ITAPA 2022
Many processes around us are already digital today, so what new can we bring and why do we dare to talk about it as a revolution? Remote operation has seen massive development, and today we consider the resulting disruptors to be the pinnacle of innovation. Branches and contact points of banks used classic processes with pencil and paper for a long time, but even they are today teeming with modern technology, tablets and electronic signatures. So why does service still take so long and is complicated and expensive? Why can't we discuss our needs with the banker in simple human language, simply, comprehensibly and shake hands at the end? And is the fault in the processes or in the technology, are we technologically equipped enough for the change?