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Karol Ďumbier

Center of Labor, Social Affairs and Family , DMS Chief Methodology Expert
Ing. Karol Ďumbier has been working in the system of employment services and social affairs for 16 years. In the 90s he created a series of software products for the Komárno Labor Authority to make the work of employees faster and more efficient; in 1998 he became the information systems administrator in that region. Later he became the regional trainer and methodology advisor for the newly implemented IS in one of the two pilot agencies in Slovakia that tested and optimized the system. Process automation and IT enablement is not only his job but also his hobby. Since 2011 he has been applying his knowledge and experience in rolling out electronic processes within the Slovak Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family as the central methodology expert for the DMS system.
  • Revolution in the Mindset of Civil Servants When Transferring From Paper Based to Electronic Documents
    Electronic enablement of services means that the agency will take up tasks currently required from a citizen – mainly providing evidence of facts recorded elsewhere in public administration systems. This shall enable equal access to services to all groups of citizens. Providing electronic services shall shorten the time of processing individual requests, eliminate the need to visit agencies in person, and services shall be available “anytime anywhere”. By creating the electronic communication environment the IT enablement moves to the next level: inspecting and approving social benefits requests, their distribution, workflow, and electronic archiving.

    Electronic services of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family in the area of processing social benefits, social assistance, and basic benefits for people in material need
    Implemented portion of the project, presentation: Activity 2
    Creating the Electronic Communication Environment on Central Level.
    2010 – 2014
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